TECHNOLOGICAL DISRUPTIONS: The Interplay of Subjective Flaws and Virtual Space

The immediacy of glitch art and virtual spaces in general...

...seems to be an important part of the new culture around how people operate online. Cyberpunk attempted to grapple with the repercussions of it before the internet could even flourish, and we are constantly in the middle of a techno-cultural arms race to see who will master the new forms of information transfer that have arisen over the past few decades. These new forms of interaction will only become more important over time. The previous two chapters of this thesis outlined some of the many ways in which we are already seeing the effects of technological disruptions in contemporary society. I want to understand to the best of my ability how the overloaded and broken information pathways of the post-Internet era will continue to impact our perceptions of reality. This thesis is part of that exploration, but so is The Manual. As a necessary step in the academic trajectory of this work, I want to include The Manual. It approaches the concept of virtual failure using a drastically different creative toolkit than what I used for this thesis, but this does not severe it from the conversation. If anything, the disconnect only strengthens its adjacency to my main work here. I write this in the most optimistic way possible, but virtual space would be nothing without the flaws that ground it. [break + ALL Club 1]

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